Heather & Family

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

FIrst trip to Toronto Sick Kids

Drew was so good today, I'm so proud of my baby boy! He had an appointment today for an Echocardiogram and an EKG at 10:15 this morning.

We got up at 5am, I fed him and got him up to play so he would sleep on the car ride. He was happy as could be. I got myself ready and Jason put all the baby gear in the car. I fed Drew at 6am as he wasn't allwed to eat again until after his procedure. He ate again thank goodness and off we went to my parents. My Dad drove us to Toronto (Thanks Dad!!!!) and we arrived at 9:30. Drew was happy the entire drive and it was quite easy to find and get a parking spot.

The hospital is just wonderful, I have never seen such a perfect place for kids to get well. We found the check in desk got our paperwork done and waited for our turn. I was amazed how happy Drew was because I thought he would be starving by this point. Drew was called in the room, they took his blood pressure and oxygenation levels which were hard to get because he is so chubby. He was given a liquid sedation; apparently it was very bitter tasting and he protested a bit but took it with only a few tears. The nurse said he would be asleep within 10 - 30 minutes. I picked him up to cuddle and he was asleep within 2 minutes, the nurse said he set a new record.

I carried him to the Echo room and the tech started his ultrasound, she then went to get someone else as she was having trouble getting the pictures she needed. The other tech did the rest of the echo while she watched. They said it would take 30 -90 minutes but it took just over 2 hours. They had us worrying, he woke up half way through but we put in his soother and he went back to sleep. The doc came in to get a few more pictures and told us that his condition was just as they had described to us in London.

A tech came in to do an EKG (lots of wires attached to test heart rhythms) and he woke up. He was just full of smiles and coos, the tech was thrilled. She said every other child she woke up today screamed at her. It was 1pm by this point and Drew hadn't eaten so I am amazed he was still happy, the nurse said he was still a little drunk from the medicine.

We left the room and I fed him and we were ready to go home. The worst part of the day was the awful 2 hour traffic jam we sat in on the way out of Toronto. It was sooo frustrating but thank goodness Drew slept the whole time!

We go back to Sick Kids on Monday for our pre op visit. We will meet with the docs and have blood work and x-rays and they will give us a hospital tour and we'll learn about aftercare. His surgery is coming so quickly, I am getting sooooo worried but I know he will come through just fine. He is one strong and brave boy.

On Friday I am taking Drew to London hospital for renogram of Drew's kidneys to see why they are still enlarged. They want the result of these tests before he has his heart surgery but I have had to postpone them because of the chicken pox. Poor kid has to go through so much!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Drew's doctor visits

Yesterday I took Drew to see the cardiologist and his peadiatrition. It was nice to have two appointments on the same day to save a trip to London. Between appointments I took my friend Kim out for lunch for her 30th birthday at the Delta Armouries. It was a great lunch and Drew was so happy and good while we ate. Happy Birthday Kim!!!

A med student examined Drew and I knew more than he did about what to do. He was a very nice guy so we worked together to get Drew's examination done, lol. His blood oxygenation levels are down to 80% which is not very good. It's a good thing his surgery is so soon. When the doc came in he said the they are low because it take a lots to get oxygen to Drew's big beautiful thighs! My big chunky baby!

He weighs 16lbs 12oz now! He got mennengitis vaccine since he will be going into the hospital, I don't want to risk him getting that! He is meeting all his developmental milestones and doing well otherwise.

My eye is getting better

I went for a follow up with my eye surgeon last Monday and got good news. The vision in my "bad" eye is up to 20/30, I can see 6 more lines on the eye chart!!

I got to see pictures of the inside of my eye before surgery compared to the current look. What a diffference. I can see where the scar from my surgery is inside my eye but it isn't too bad.

The doc was very impressed with my progress and I don't go back to see him again until September! It's so nice to post some good news!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Feeling Better

Drew is over the chicken pox! He came through it just fine. He stopped getting new spots about three days after they started and now he just has some scabbed over spots. He got to have lots of oatmeal baths which he loved. I don't know how uncomfortable he was but he didn't really try to itch them.

He was up a lot during the night!!! I counted 21 times that I got up the second night UGH! I was pretty grumpy the next day but I managed. He seemd to have gotten into the habit of eating several times a night again and I am not sure how to break that. I don't know how long he will have to fast before the surgery but I'm sure it will be a long night with no Mommy's milk for him!
He sure is growing, today at the baby clinic I had him checked, he is 16 lbs 8oz and 26 1/4 inches long.

I am starting to get more prepared for (and nervous about!!) Drew's surgery as it is only a few weeks away now. I have a schedule of where Myah will be staying and all her info to keep her on schedule with school and soccer.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Drew has... chicken pox!!!

OMG, whats next!!! Poor little thing has chicken pox all over his head and a few throughout his body. I was soooo hoping that he would not catch them from Myah but living in the same house I guess it was just impossible! Several doctors and nurses told us that babies under 6 months would not get them especially if they were breastfed. I guess they were all wrong or we just have very bad luck!

I started to notice a few spots on his head this morning when we were at church to have him baptized. I feel bad for taking him there around the 2 other baby boys that were baptized. I hope I haven't spread it to anyone else.

That baptism was nice; all three boys were totally quiet and let the minister carry them around the congregation. Drew seemed completely amazed by the minister's clothes and I am surprised he didn't pull on his sash! Our family came back to our house after and we had a nice lunch.

I will be dealing with a pretty cranky boy the next few days with chicken pox and a new tooth. That's a lot for one baby boy to handle (and his mommy too)!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Drew has a tooth!!!

At 4 months and 3 days old my little boy has his first little tooth.

Drew has been drooling so much today and sticking his tongue in and out. He wants to chew on everything! I thought he might be teething so I rubbed his gums with my finger and I was surprised to feel a pointy little tooth on the bottom. I didn't think he would actually have a tooth this early! He was up a lot last night not crying just making noises and sucking his soother a lot. I guess I know why now, hopefully tonight will be better.

He hasn't been too fussy, he really is a little trooper. Myah is so excited her brother has a tooth she just had to feel it and was giving him lots of "Good job Drew you grew a tooth" It was really cute!

Myah and I went to the dentist today for a check up so I guess Drew was jealous and decided he'd better have a tooth too!

Getting prepared

Drew is getting baptized on Sunday and I am having some friends and family over to our house after for a brunch. I am looking forward to it but I need to spend most of the day tomorrow cleaning up the house and getting food ready. I hope Drew is his cute happy self during the baptism with no screaming!

I have started getting things ready for our trip to Toronto for Drew's surgery. I booked our dog into the kennel, which she will hate but she's just going to have to deal with it. It is a great kennel but our dog just wants to be with her family of course.

I called a few hotels for room prices and talked to VIA Rail about times and rates for taking the train to Toronto. I booked a room at the hotel closest to the hospital for Drew's pre-op appointment on May 2nd. We need to go there the night before because our appointments start at 7:30am.

I have created a calendar for the month of May in WordPerfect to keep track of where Myah will be staying and the places she has to be like school and soccer. There is a lot of planning to do to get ready for this and I just want to be sure I have all things covered. Thank goodness my family is so willing to help with Myah, travel and anything else we need!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Myah is feeling better

Whew, what a week! Myah is back to her normal self the past couple of days, she went back to school today and she was so glad to go. I was glad to send her after dealing with a sick girl for over a week, lol! When I dropped her off her classmates rushed up to her and had to hear her tale of the chicken pox. It was funny. Her poxs are all scabbed over now and some are clearing up, she is having trouble not picking at them. She has a couple more days of antibiotics to take and I will be glad when we are done so I have 3 less doses of medicine to remember each day. I hope her face clears up soon because I would like to get a family photo taken this month, it won't look to good with her face covered in red dots!

After school Myah went to dance class then we came home for supper, It was such a beautiful day we ended up going to the park with my friend Julie and her girls. It was lots of fun and she went to bed so easily because she was so exhausted.

Drew had a great night sleep last night and so did I, I felt so refreshed this morning. Drew and I had a nice day just the two of us he was so sweet and happy today. It is so easy to make him laugh now by playing peek-a-boo or pretend sneezing. He had a 3 hour afternoon nap so I was able to get a lot done around the house.

It was a great day!