Heather & Family

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Myah is feeling better

Whew, what a week! Myah is back to her normal self the past couple of days, she went back to school today and she was so glad to go. I was glad to send her after dealing with a sick girl for over a week, lol! When I dropped her off her classmates rushed up to her and had to hear her tale of the chicken pox. It was funny. Her poxs are all scabbed over now and some are clearing up, she is having trouble not picking at them. She has a couple more days of antibiotics to take and I will be glad when we are done so I have 3 less doses of medicine to remember each day. I hope her face clears up soon because I would like to get a family photo taken this month, it won't look to good with her face covered in red dots!

After school Myah went to dance class then we came home for supper, It was such a beautiful day we ended up going to the park with my friend Julie and her girls. It was lots of fun and she went to bed so easily because she was so exhausted.

Drew had a great night sleep last night and so did I, I felt so refreshed this morning. Drew and I had a nice day just the two of us he was so sweet and happy today. It is so easy to make him laugh now by playing peek-a-boo or pretend sneezing. He had a 3 hour afternoon nap so I was able to get a lot done around the house.

It was a great day!


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