Heather & Family

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Drew has... chicken pox!!!

OMG, whats next!!! Poor little thing has chicken pox all over his head and a few throughout his body. I was soooo hoping that he would not catch them from Myah but living in the same house I guess it was just impossible! Several doctors and nurses told us that babies under 6 months would not get them especially if they were breastfed. I guess they were all wrong or we just have very bad luck!

I started to notice a few spots on his head this morning when we were at church to have him baptized. I feel bad for taking him there around the 2 other baby boys that were baptized. I hope I haven't spread it to anyone else.

That baptism was nice; all three boys were totally quiet and let the minister carry them around the congregation. Drew seemed completely amazed by the minister's clothes and I am surprised he didn't pull on his sash! Our family came back to our house after and we had a nice lunch.

I will be dealing with a pretty cranky boy the next few days with chicken pox and a new tooth. That's a lot for one baby boy to handle (and his mommy too)!


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