Heather & Family

Monday, March 21, 2005

More tests and surgery

Drew continues to do better than expected. He has not had blue spells or breathing problems which we were told he would have. I am always prepared for problems but I am so glad I have not had to experience any. He gets all the regular vacines and the RSV immunization just as a precaution because we can't risk a chest infection in his weakened lungs.

His weight gain has been wonderful, he now weighs over 16 lbs at 3 1/2 months. He has big chubby rolls all over.

On March 29th Drew will have a IV dye test where the docs will follow the flow of the liquid through his body and see what his kidney problem might be. They think it is either a blockage or so physiological malformation. Poor kid, I hate seeing him get stuck with needles all the time!

I received a package in the mail last week that had all of Drew's open heart surgery information in it. We go to Toronto (3 hours drive from home) on April 27th for an ECG and echocardiogram for his surgeon. We have our pre-op appointment on May 2nd and the surgery is scheduled for May 10th. I am soooo nervous about this surgery. A doctor with his giant amazing hands is going to open my sons chest and fix his heart. Apparently this is a routine procedure but not when it is my son's heart!! The risk is very low and Drew is so strong. I pray that he comes through it well and this is alla distant memory for us. He will never remember any of this.

I am worried about being away from Myah. We can't take her with us as we will have our hands full dealing with Drew. We might be at the hospital for 2 weeks. Both sets of grandparents are happy to watch her and mine will even bring her down to Toronto for a visit or two. I'm sure she will make it through but it will be more stressful on her than on Drew!


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