Heather & Family

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Now Myah has the POX!!!

Poor Myah, on Easter Sunday morning we got up and had a great time hunting for eggs. After we had chocolate and gummy bunnies for breakfast we went to get dressed, that's when I noticed the spots. I knew immediately that it was chicken pox. Both of us were upset about it but she only had a few spots on her back, belly and neck.

I called Jason's family to let them know that we might as well all get together since now everyone but Drew has had the chicken pox. We had a great meal and a really fun day. Myah and Cassandra both lifted to shirts to compare how many spots they had, it was too cute!

I called my sister to let her know about the damn pox and we decided not to get together to celebrate Easter and Jason's 34th birthday on Monday at my place because her kids have not had them yet. The turkey was already thawed so I cooked the meal anyways and had my parents over. We enjoyed the meal and packed up some of everything for my parents to drop off at my sisters house on their way home so they could have dinner even if we weren't all together. Mallory my 3 year old niece called to thank me for the cake and the dinner too.

Last night after supper Myah complained that her throat hurt. I got a flashlight to look in her throat and I gasped at what I saw. There was a giant white glob in the back of her throat the size of a mini-marshmallow. I took her temperature which was 99.8. I called Telehealth to ask the nurses' opinion on what to do. She said to take her to the doctor within 24 hours. By this time Myah was screaming and/or bawling each time she swallowed, she was getting hysterical. Our doctor's office doesn't open again until Saturday so off the the emergency room we went. We called ahead to let the hospital know we were bringing in a contagious girl and they said to come on in.

Myah slept most of the 1/2 hour car ride there and felt a bit better when we got there except that she grabbed her throat or mouth each time she swallowed. Poor thing, I was feeling so bad for her. We checked in with the triage nurse and her temp was 101. They put a hospital bracelet on her nd had her wait in a wheelchair (which she loved) until the isolation room was ready. The brought a dose of Tylenol out to the hall to help her fever.

We were put in the and the doc came in within a few minutes. He looked in her mouth and told us she had a very infected chicken pox in her throat, owwweee! He gave us a prescription for amoxicillin and advised us to give her Tylenol for pain and fever. We got to the hospital just after 7pm and were out by 8:30, it was great I thought we would be there for hours. I guess they didn't want our contagious little girl there for very long.

She is taking her medicine well and her throat is looking much better. She get two oatmeal baths a day and is itching much less today and I don't think she is getting any more new spots. She has at least 500 spots, she is covered. My poor girl, now I just pray Drew doesn't get them. So far he has no sign of them and ER doc said it very rare for a breastfed infant under 6 months old to get them so I am hoping he doesn't. He was supposed to have a renogram of his kidneys on Tuesday but we had to reschedule as he had been exposed. It is reschedule for April 15th, they want to have the results prior to his heart surgery in May.

No one ever said being a parent was easy, I am certainly being put to the test lately. It is amazing how little sleep you can actually live on, LOL!


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